
Satellite Catalog Visualization and Analysis Library

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What is it?

OrbPro™ is a heavily customized version of CesiumJS ™, a drop-in replacement that allows integrators to visualize 50k+ space objects using an accurate, optimized astrodynamics engine that will run on any modern device / browser.

Create orbits for 50k+ space objects at blazing-fast speeds without needing to download gigabytes of ephemeris, optimizing bandwidth and memory usage.

The codebase is a single file that is less than 36 MB, smaller than a single 48-megapixel image from an iPhone 14 Pro.

Integration: OrbPro™ library is offline-capable and can be run in thick-client and mobile app WebViews without needing a server or fragile filesystem loading work-arounds.

Analyics: OrbPro™ includes a built-in analysis engine for calculating line-of-sight visibility, sensors package, and ground coverage calculation.

How does it work?

OrbPro™ combines the peerless geospatial capabilities of CesiumJS™ with a custom entity engine that enables client-side orbit creation using a WebAssembly-based pluggable propagation system. It includes an optimised SGP4 module by default, allowing developers to use data from popular sites such as Celestrak.org and Space-Track.Org.

Where has it been used?

Where can I see it in action?

Also check out our standards and data pipeline work at:


Last updated